Hi my name is Rory Chiles. My interests are baseball and movies. My hobbies are cooking and playing video games. I also love watching sports and my favorite professional sports teams are the ''SF Giants, 49ers and golden state Warriors''. The main things I like to do when I'm on vacation are hanging around with family and spending time going on trips.
Myself as a student I am often quite in class but most of the times I ask questions if there is something that I don't understand then I will often ask for help or I will try to work it out myself. I try to be as less disruptive as I can because I don't want to be labeled as a loud or disruptive student so I try to be as less quite as I can.
Myself as a math student I do my best to pass and sometimes I don't do so good on most tests that I take not unless I really know the work to the point where it comes to me. Myself in class as a math student I often struggled on thing like graphs, proportions, fractions and mixed numbers. Most of the time I got things like ratios, rounding numbers and angles.
In this I am often thinking how long is it until we get out? and if the equations are hard that we are going over then I wonder is there an easier way to do this? In class I am also sometimes bored when I most of the time finish my work before class is over and I often think about what I am going to do when I am coming home but, in class i try to do the best I can to pass.